aids 2031: Findings On HIV/AIDS Cost and Financing Strategies in The Lancet

What can developing countries do now to change the trajectory of the AIDS epidemic for decades to come? How much will it cost to avert new infections and expand access to treatment? Which countries will be able to take full ownership of their HIV/AIDS responses, and which will continue to rely on international support?

In a review in the Lancet, authors from the financing group of the aids2031 project address these critical questions, taking a long-term view of financial requirements under different possible scenarios as the HIV/AIDS pandemic unfolds over the next two decades up to 2031, the year that will mark the 50th anniversary of AIDS.

The Review argues that developing countries will face diverging HIV/AIDS costs and financing challenges over the next two decades, depending on their disease burden and income level. This also has important implications for external financing from the Global Fund, PEPAR, and other donor sources. The authors maintain that traditional approaches to fighting HIV/AIDS have been short-sighted and need to be replaced by long-term financing strategies that can more effectively address the Pandemic.

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